About Us

Who We Are

We’re the Florida Chapter of Health Freedom For Humanity, a nonprofit dedicated to the reclamation and defense of health freedom.

We are a community of people who support the right of all people to make their own choices about their health. This includes the right to refuse medical procedures, to be free from coercion, and to have any restrictions on health choice lifted.

We come from different religious, political, and socioeconomic backgrounds, but we all believe in this basic human right.

If you need support or want to make a difference in Florida, we welcome you to join us!

What We Do

We work to educate and empower our fellow citizens understand their right to freedom.

This is a right that we will not let go, no matter what Big Pharma or its allies do. We are strong and will continue to fight for what is right.

We welcome you to stand with us to protect and advance this right, through education, personal empowerment, community support, and our local events.

Our Values


The innate expression of a being's spiritual, emotional, intellectual, mental and physical ability to adapt to the environment. The all encompassing natural default state of the being with the presence of symptoms or "diagnostic" labels, or the absence of such-dependent on the accountability and responsibility of each individual to decide how this is expressed and who they decide to include in the aiding of this Innate expression.


The inalienable power of a being's ability to express their desires and health without limitation, coercion or resistance. This includes but is not limited to the right to speech, press, peacefully gather, religion and the choices and decisions of health and medical avenues.


The collective inhabitants of planet Earth and their ability to express love, kindness, compassion, empathy, anger and humility in a free and healthy state.